Created in 2019, COURIER’s current newsrooms (in Arizona, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin) will soon be joined by newsrooms in Nevada and New Hampshire.
COURIER employs over 40 bona fide reporters and content creators who produce 900+ pieces of high quality, original content weekly.
All COURIER reporters and their coverage are rooted in their communities, featuring lifestyle, human interest and political stories. Political coverage is not partisan but does hold elected officials firmly accountable.
COURIER’s news content is posted on the newsrooms’ websites, as well as in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat.
Each newsroom has a core targeted audience, specific and unique to the state it covers, who:
The COURIER teams continuously monitor the news cycle and their audiences’ engagement to ensure they are producing quality, local and hyper-local stories that resonate with target audiences.
Using external funding, COURIER can “boost” content – increasing the intensity and/or reach of postings during key persuasion windows or before critical periods for voter registration or voting. COURIER’S editorial control over content is never ceded by this boosting.
COURIER aims to recruit social media readers to become newsletter subscribers. Each newsroom emails 1-5 newsletters weekly, with an average open rate of 36%.
Engagement through social media posts generates about 74% of subscribers, with the rest coming through google searches, website articles, online quizzes, social chatbot, and word of mouth.
COURIER currently has ~500K newsletter subscribers, a 141% growth in subscribers over 2022, and a number on track to double in 2023.
The greater the growth in the number of subscribers, the greater the impact COURIER anticipates its content can have on their voting behavior.
Within the newsletter format, COURIER can use its reading of priority news topics and data on reader engagement to intensify coverage.
COURIER newsrooms have won awards from local and state press clubs.Stories are increasingly picked up by other outlets, local to international, as well as by Democratic campaigns and elected officials.